Idaho Reimbursement for Telehealth

Idaho Medicaid Reimburses for Telehealth
Idaho Medicaid Telehealth Policy updated July, 2016

"Idaho Administrative Code allows Medicaid to cover specific services delivered via telehealth technology, which help ensure all participants receive the best possible care regardless of geographic location"

March 31, 2015

The Idaho state Senate has approved HB189 by a 31-3 vote, establishing the "Idaho Telehealth Access Act." The legislation would allow for telehealth services once a provider has documented "a patient's relevant clinical history and current symptoms to establish the diagnosis and identify underlying conditions and contraindications to the treatment recommended." It allows for video, online and phone-based consults, but not treatment based solely on an online questionnaire.


Department of Health & Welfare Medicaid Basic Plan Benefits
Page 12 IAC 2011
01. 42 CFR Part 447. 42 CFR Part 447, “Payment for Services (see page 54)

Idaho reimburses for psychiatric telehealth.

Payment for telehealth services is limited to psychiatric services for diagnostic assessments, pharmacological management, and psychotherapy with evaluation and management services twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes in duration. Reimbursement is not available for a telephone conversation, electronic mail message (e-mail), or facsimile transmission (fax) between a physician and a participant.

At Secure Telehealth, we have over 10 years of experience helping organizations implement successful telehealth programs.  We fully manage your telehealth program so you don't have to.  Your patients work directly with us to get set up for their first appointment and when they have questions or technical problems, they call us so that none of your time is wasted and appointments are not missed.

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