E-Prescribing Controlled Substances is one step closer to finally becoming a reality. According to Eric Wicklund, from mHealth Intelligence Media the DEA is finally moving forward with the Registration Process to prescribe controlled substances via telemedicine. This is an important development in bringing Medical Assisted Treatment to more patients with from Substance Abuse Disorder.
The Opiate Crisis is staggering. Our Federal Government statistics on drugabuse.gov state that more than 130 people die from overdoses each day. Many of these occur in rural or urban areas where access to quality health care is difficult. By opening up the ability to reach more patients through telemedicine, they can get access to Suboxone for Medical Assisted Treatment. We can get them back on the track towards recovery.
Our services and products can help you get started reaching more clients through secure, live video sessions. These sessions pair you directly with the patients in clinics or in their own homes. No patient information is stored in our software. We will help you get set up, trained and test with the patient locations to be sure that the technology will work. If you are interested in starting a Medical Assisted Treatment facility or adding telemedicine to yours, we can help with the registration process and manage the technology so you can reach more patients.
For more information E-Prescribing Controlled Substances, or on the registration process, visit the mHealth Intelligence website. For more information on how to get started using Secure, Live Video telehealth sessions, check out our website and contact us today.