I get very excited when someone calls me with a new business idea to use Secure Telehealth software. Many times they become clients of ours and sometimes they don’t, but no matter what, we always have a great conversation and we learn from each other.
Last August, I got a phone call from Sarah Daugherty, a PA at Lexington Women’s Health. She was interested in using Secure Telehealth video software to see patients that they had treated in their offices who were interested in weight loss. Many of these women had just had children and were looking for expert guidance in balancing weight loss with optimal health for themselves and their babies. We were so excited to partner with them and after a few months of trials and experimentation, they went live in December and hope to catch the wave of new clients inspired by the new year to get healthier once and for all.
Our role in establishing your Telehealth practice is pretty simple. We make sure it works! For Sarah that meant training her and her staff at Lexington Women’s Health to use the software on both the computer and their smartphones because many of their clients will check in with her from the convenience of their own phone. Other clinics and providers have us work with them in many locations so that they do not have to waste time and money traveling. And still others have us test each new client before their first Telepsychiatry appointment to be sure the technology will work even from the patient’s own home or office. We are able to do this because we sign a HIPAA business associate agreement with each of our clients. It is our extra attention and personal relationship that we have with each of our customers that sets us apart. Let us know how we can help you get your Telehealth program started or if we can help it grow. Or Learn more at www.securetelehealth.com